Monday, June 27, 2011


My  granddaughter and I  really  enjoyed  American Idol  this year.  I  started  watching  it -- I don't
know  why  because  I  never  did  before -- and I  was hooked.  I just loved listening to Scotty  at  the  very  beginning,  then  my 5 year old granddaughter  heard  him  and she  was hooked too.

She  also  had  the  Scotty  look  with  her  eye  brows, and it  was  so  cute .  We  faithfully watched  every  week.  We  would hold our  breath  each time hoping  he wouldn't be kicked  off.

My  granddaughter  would  get  so  excited  every  time  she  heard  him  sing .  We  always  voted  for  him  every  week and this  was  something  we also never  did  before.

Then  came  the  last  night.  We  were  excited  and  scared -- only  two people were left.  When  they  announced  the  winner  and  it  was  Scotty,  we  were  so happy we jumped  up  and down.

There  was  a  day  she  came  and  she was quite sad.  I  asked  her  what  was  wrong  and she  said  her  aunt  had  a  record  of  Scotty and  she  didn't  have  one.  I  went  on  the  internet  and  found  his  song  "I Love You This Big" and  made  her  a  copy to listen  to all  the  time.

These are lots and lots of  memories  that  will last  forever.