Monday, June 27, 2011


I  have  two  special  grandsons  I don't  see  much.  I  love  them a lot and I wish  I  could  spend  more  time  with  them.

I  love  pictures  and  hearing stories  about  them. I  enjoy  every  bit  of  information  I  can get.  I look forward to being able to spend more time with them.


My  granddaughter and I  really  enjoyed  American Idol  this year.  I  started  watching  it -- I don't
know  why  because  I  never  did  before -- and I  was hooked.  I just loved listening to Scotty  at  the  very  beginning,  then  my 5 year old granddaughter  heard  him  and she  was hooked too.

She  also  had  the  Scotty  look  with  her  eye  brows, and it  was  so  cute .  We  faithfully watched  every  week.  We  would hold our  breath  each time hoping  he wouldn't be kicked  off.

My  granddaughter  would  get  so  excited  every  time  she  heard  him  sing .  We  always  voted  for  him  every  week and this  was  something  we also never  did  before.

Then  came  the  last  night.  We  were  excited  and  scared -- only  two people were left.  When  they  announced  the  winner  and  it  was  Scotty,  we  were  so happy we jumped  up  and down.

There  was  a  day  she  came  and  she was quite sad.  I  asked  her  what  was  wrong  and she  said  her  aunt  had  a  record  of  Scotty and  she  didn't  have  one.  I  went  on  the  internet  and  found  his  song  "I Love You This Big" and  made  her  a  copy to listen  to all  the  time.

These are lots and lots of  memories  that  will last  forever.

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Mother's Day to Remember

On the Saturday before  Mother's Day,  I  took  my  daughter out  for a piece of cheesecake and a movie.  This  is  something  we  do  a  lot , but this day was just a little more special.

We had a great time together and, around 9:30pm, I  took  her  home.  We  stopped  at  the Fry's  food  store  that was close to her home and picked up some  bananas that she needed.  We  turned right at the light at Warner and Val Vista.  As  we  were  going  west, a car was trying to cross seven traffic lanes driving  straight  across  from  Target at the Southwest part of the intersection to the Fry's food store at the Northwest.  I saw him coming and peeped my  horn at him,  but he  kept  right  on  coming  and ran  right  into  my  door.  He hit us hard and my  daughter  and  I  were screaming and  scared to death.

After we were hit, our car would not stop and we were heading for a block wall.  There was  a  stop  sign, so  I  steered the car towards it and it finally caused us to stop just before we hit the wall.  I  couldn't  get  the  car  to shift into park or to turn off.  I  tried   to  open  the  door  but  couldn't.

Some  one  called  the  police, and asked us if  we  were OK.  After I was pried out of the car. we  were  pretty well shaken  up.  My  daughter was able to call her dad and  her  husband.

Even though the car was a total loss with $13,000 damage, we were able to walk away from it without any serious injuries.  We were thankful...
