Sunday, September 4, 2011


My granddaughter loves going to the woods. We took her to see the deer farm that had a little woods area, and she loved to roam around. Every day she asks when we are going back to the woods so I thought it would be nice to get out of the heat and go spend the day in cool country.

I started checking online for a nice area to hike and enjoy cooler weather. I found the perfect spot called Horton Creek Trail just outside Payson, which is a two hour drive from here.

I told Mary about taking Juilette and both she and Jordan wanted to go also. So, we decided to go on a Saturday and make a day of it. I got up early and got ready and made breakfast for everyone so we could get off with a good start. I packed a back pack and loaded up the car. We also bought some things to keep Juliette happy on the trip -- one was my MP3 player (she just loves the music I have on it). We also took some matching cards.

The drive up was great and I got to catch up time with our daughter while Juliette listened to music the whole way. When we got there, we parked alongside the road, then we all got out, and walked down by the creek.

The weather was so nice and butterflies were everywhere, big ones and small ones, and they were beautiful. Juliette loved them and they were landing on her hand.

We went for a hike along the creek. We went to the fish hatchery and we even got to feed the trout. It was getting late so we went back to Payson, had lunch, and then we headed home.

I loved spending time with my family and can't wait until our next adventure together.